How to Maintain Health & Fitness With a Healthy Budget

Healthy Lifestyle

Your lifestyle heavily influences your well-being and financial health.

Nearly every financial expert says that one who’s good at taking care of their personal health is also good at maintaining their financial health. You might wonder how your physical health is connected to your financial health and money-saving mentality. Well, that’s what we’re here for!

Below we’ll share how to balance fitness and finances together, in this fast and busy modern world!

How to Maintain Health & Fitness With a Healthy Budget

But before we discuss creating a budget that is not only good for your bank account but your waistline, let’s examine a few of the ways fitness and finance are connected.

The first thing to keep in mind is that healthy bodies and bank accounts are all based on one thing: A Budget!

Some common factors that impact both your finances and your well-being:

  • Eating Unhealthy Food:

Unhealthy eating habits not only ruin your physical and mental health but also drain your finances to a great extent.

It’s easy to see the appeal. Fast foods are easy to order and easy to munch on, but fast food is not easy on your body and is not as budget-friendly as it may appear.

These high-calorie, high-fat foods are harmful to your health and also contain addictive properties. Several medical studies have found a direct link between consuming large amounts of fast food and obesity, depression, cancer, and several other illnesses.

If you consume fast food regularly, you’ll have an increased chance of falling ill. When you’re sick you incur additional expenses that could negatively affect your finances.

  • Drug Addictions and Binge Drinking:

Drug addiction is very costly. Not just financially either.

Drug addiction can cost many things:

  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • Career
  • Time

And most importantly, your own life!

  • Transportation:

As the old sage of the mountains said, use your legs! The more you walk, the more you shed your fat, more healthy and fit you will become.

Try using public transportation, walking or biking. This way you can also save on rising gas costs.

So, now comes our second priority, a nice budget that will both influence your lifestyle and financial health!

The zero-based zero-calorie budget:

Big corporations and businesses rely on zero-based budgeting to track their finances. So, why not utilize the same budget model to organize your personal finances?

Conventionally, zero-based budgeting has one specific target: to assign every dollar you earn to some fixed purpose.

For example, if you earn $1,000, you would designate $200 to cover transportation costs, $100 for groceries, $500 for bills, savings and so on.

After you sort out your expenses, you need to subtract this amount from your total income.

The end result should be zero.

Remember, zero-based budgeting is only effective if your expenses are based on debit and your salary limit. You really need to stay away from credit cards, if you want this budgeting to work for you!

So, here’s how to use the zero-based zero-calorie budget to stay fit and save money:

  1. Create a Budget

Each month, sit down with a pen and paper and make a long list of expenses that are about to take place.

2. Determine Which Expenses Cost You Financially & Physically

Now take the list and see what expenses could harm you both financially and physically. For example, if you travel alone in your car frequently, think about places you go that you could walk or bike to instead.

3. Cut Drugs & Alcohol

Determine how much of your budget goes toward alcohol and/or drugs. Consider cutting that portion of your budget spending in half and put the other half into your savings account or pay off any outstanding debt.

4. Cut Fast Food & Eating Out

Do the same thing with your eating out or restaurant budget. Cut down your spending and use that money to add healthy veggies and food supplies to your monthly grocery budget.